Kamela graduated from Edinburgh University in 1997. After working at a large practice in Salisbury for 3 years, she decided that she preferred a closer bond with people and their pets in a smaller practice environment. She has been with the Cobham Veterinary Centre since January 2008.
At home, Kamela has one large cat Ronnie, who she delivered herself by emergency Caesarean Section. He was not breathing and had no pulse, but with Jaime’s expert nursing, he made it! Despite having some epileptic fits as a kitten, he has turned into a fairly normal cat. However, he does have a habit of bringing some revolting things in through the cat flap – anything from a banana skin to a rubber glove!
Kam also had two young children, and enjoys running marathons, so she is pretty busy!
Kamela’s regular work days are Mondays and Tuesdays, plus some Saturdays.